  1.  Click on Administration > Accounting > Manage Promotions > Click New
  2.  Select the category (i.e. PBR Spiff, Equipment Spiff or Upgrade Spiff).
  3. For Promotion Type:
    * Select type as products if the amount to be reimbursed will be eligible regardless of what plan is activated as long as the correct phone or item is sold.  Click Show plans and select all plans. Click on Show Products and select all applicable phone SKU (ie. All iphone skus) then click save to finish.
    * If the amount to be reimbursed is based on the condition that a specific plan needs to be activated first, then select plans under Promotion type.  Click Show plans and select all plans that is eligible. Click on Show Products and select all applicable SKU (ie. All iphone skus) then click save to finish.
  4. Select carrier and the duration of the spiff eligibility
  5. Enter description
  6. Enter the expected amount then save.

Last Update: August 31, 2017  

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